
Liberal Arts

Enriching critical and conceptual thinking.

Discover a variety of liberal arts courses designed for creatives and taught in a style that works for visual learners.

Eric Wang ’20

People standing and pointing on a beach

Liberal Arts for Creatives

The success of today鈥檚 most recognized artists, designers, and creative leaders hinges on the mastery of their technique, as well as their ability to think critically about a diverse range of subjects and ideas. In fact, history鈥檚 most successful creative works address current social, political, and ideological questions. They push boundaries and ask the audience to respond. They are approachable, but they lead the viewer into the depths of today鈥檚 most complicated issues.

The trailblazers of today know what questions to ask, how to engage their audience, and who they are speaking to鈥攁ll skills acquired in the comprehensive Liberal Arts program at 四虎影视. Liberal Arts courses are taught by artists and designers and developed specifically to inform the artwork and aid the development of our emerging creatives.

In this program, we explore myriad cultures, taboo ideas, psychology, science fiction, classical mythology, scientific theories, and so much more. Students enter discussions and question standing norms. They emerge as artists and designers who are relevant, thoughtful, and original. We teach tomorrow鈥檚 great artists, designers, storytellers, and writers how to apply their studio skills to answer today鈥檚 most profound questions.

Past Liberal Arts Courses

Mission Statement

Our mission in Liberal Arts is to instill students with knowledge about the interconnectedness of global systems and cultures, a perspective of the planetary scale within which we reside, and a sense of curiosity about the world. We equip students for engaged global citizenship and the creation of a more inclusive and just society through the power of art, design, and critical thinking to change the world and transform media products and brand experiences into innovative and inclusive industry practice.

Student Learning Outcomes

The liberal arts education competencies outlined below are the intended outcomes that all students should attain by the time they graduate from 四虎影视. Students have multiple opportunities to develop and demonstrate these abilities as creators, communicators and collaborators.

Written Communication

Critical Thinking

Scientific and Quantitative Literacy

Integrative Learning and Problem Solving

Cultural and Historical Global Contexts

Critical Information Literacy

Teamwork Skills

Diversity and Inclusion